American Heart Month

American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month! According to the Heart Foundation, cardiovascular disease (which includes heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases) is the number one cause of death in the United States. In 2011 heart disease killed nearly 800,000in the United

Category: Healthy Living Blog

Cooked quinoa breakfast bowl

cooked quinoa bowl

Serving Size: ~1 cup cooked

Yields: approximately 2 servings

First Line Therapy Servings: 2 grain, 1.5 fruit, 1 fat, 1 nut/seed,  ¼ dairy

Recipe Reposted and Modified From:


  • 1 cup uncooked hot cereal (gluten-free) or quinoa
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed

Category: Healthy Living Blog

Snacking between meals can either help lose weight or lead to unintended weight gain

New Year Fresh Start

According to a study published in “The Journal of Nutrition” in February 2010, approximately 97 percent of Americans snack, getting an average of 24 percent of their calories from snacks. With snacking providing this much of your daily calories choosing healthy options is

Category: Healthy Living Blog

Implementing SMART goals when making your New Years Resolution

Recent studies suggest that approximately 45% of Americans usually make a New Year’s Resolution with weight related goals being the number one resolution of choice. Despite this large number only 8% of people are said to be successful in achieving their resolution. Maintaining a healthy body weight is not just about feeling better about your

Category: Healthy Living Blog

Join the January 2016 Clear Change Detoxification

Who: All Healthy Living Dallas patients and their friends and families

When: Make plans to attend the January 41h Group Kick-Off at 6:30 p.m. We’ll walk you through the Clear Change 10 day program, provide sample menus and FREE BIAs to all Clear Change participants ($20 Value!). Can’t come? Still participate! Let

Category: Healthy Living Blog

10 Things to Do with Your Family Over the Holidays That Doesn’t Involve Food

Do Something Good! Find a local organization to volunteer at whether it be a pet shelter or soup kitchen!

Play A Sport! Instead of sitting on the couch all afternoon try to engage the family in a friendly game

Category: Healthy Living Blog

Add Holiday Food To Your Table Without Adding Inches To Your Waistline

The holiday meal itself is not the sole contributor of calories consumed during the holiday months. Many times appetizers are set out and arranged around the room prior to the holiday meal begins to allow guests to nibble and socialize. What we are not always aware of is how much we are really eating

Category: Healthy Living Blog

Tips for Healthier Holiday Eating

By: Stacey Chmiel MS, RD, LD

Tips for Healthier Holiday Eating

The fall is now upon us and that means Thanksgiving and Christmas are on their way. Does the thought of the holiday season make you anxious? Food is everywhere during the holiday season which usually makes it more difficult to

Category: Healthy Living Blog

Product of the Quarter: Clear Change

Reposted and modified from

The main goal of the Clear Change program is not weight loss, although this could be an added benefit noticed at the end of the 10 day period. The goal of the program is to experience greater energy, improved sleep and digestion, and ultimately enhance the body’s natural metabolic detoxification

Category: Healthy Living Blog

Patient Success Guide

Here at Healthy Living Dallas, we want to help you however possible to meet your health and weight goals. We want to help you develop lifestyle changes that can be implemented both inside and outside of the home long-term. Achieving a healthy weight or a specific health goal isn’t just about a “dieting” or going

Category: Healthy Living Blog